Psychological counseling center
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Psychological resources
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Psychological resources
Current Location: 首页>>Psychological resources
· [Clear flow of mind] Freshman syndrome: Several contradictory psychology of freshmen and countermeasures 2008-03-16 
· [Clear flow of mind] I always felt excluded 2008-03-01 
· [Clear flow of mind] Why are we afraid of breaking up 2008-02-16 
· [Recommended "heart" book] True love code 2008-02-13 
· [Clear flow of mind] The causes of phobias and ways to overcome them 2008-02-01 

· [Clear flow of mind] Photographic memory - the perfect memory of a magical gift 2008-01-16 
· [Clear flow of mind] How to cultivate creativity 2008-01-01 
· [Clear flow of mind] I don't comfort people 2007-12-15 
· [Clear flow of mind] How to get rid of obsessive-compulsive late sleep 2007-11-15 
· [Clear flow of mind] Impatient people, why can't you wait a minute 2007-10-15 

· [Clear flow of mind] Live better -- Learn to connect with others 2007-09-15 
· [Clear flow of mind] Slave of expectation 2007-08-15 
· [Clear flow of mind] Psychological adjustment methods of college freshmen during the adaptation period 2007-07-15 
· [Clear flow of mind] Approach procrastination 2007-06-15 
· [Clear flow of mind] Forgiveness is also a good remedy 2007-05-15 
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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012